Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Tuesday 13th Feb 2007, 5pm.
At Hantro's booth. There was a brainstorming about HDAAC. Hantro faced similar challenges in 2002. Why have a video decoder when there's no content to decode. And that was in 2002. The solution was to deliver an application on the first Nokia Series 60 phone that encodes and creates. All of a sudden, users who downloaded this video recorder program started created tons of very short 1-minute clips. There went the content problem. With the proliferation of user generated content, there came a need to decode.
HDAAC could take the same approach and deliver a great recorder to be downloaded onto handsets for users to record and upload on
Hantro has also expressed an interest in our fast H.264 encoders. They are always on the lookout for unique features.

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